LIPPE Lift is committed to the environment, our goal: climate-neutral production till 2030

We at LIPPE Lift are committed to the environment and the climate.

In some areas within production, we have already focused on CO2 reduction:

  • Company vehicles are continuously converted from pure combustion technology to more environmentally friendly technologies. This enables us to reduce our CO2 footprint by approx. 8 t annually.
  • In 2021 we prematurely replaced our old compressor with a modern, environmentally friendly one. This measure enables us to reduce our CO2 emissions by approx. 5 t per year.
  • In 2018, all fluorescent tubes at LIPPE Lift GmbH were replaced with LED lights. The resulting electricity savings save around 9 t of CO2 every year.

With the purchase of one of our lifts you support the campaign “Future forests”

In all of Central Europe and also in Lippe, the forest has suffered extremely from storms, water shortages and massive pest infestation in recent years. The bark beetle has caused devastating damage to spruce trees in particular.

For every lift sold directly, we will finance 20 trees through the Lippe regional association’s “Future Forests” campaign. The reforestation in the Lippe forest will take place in five areas from 2021: in the Kalletal, on the Schanzenberg, near the Grotenburg, on the Bauerkamp and near Rischenau.

By purchasing our lifts, you plant trees – so that you can continue to use the Lippe regional association’s forests for recreation in the future 🙂

You can find more about the “Future forests” campaign here:


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